- God, the Creator of the Universe, loves you and all creation.
- You have the freedom to choose to love God, self, and others, or not.
- Loving God, self and others makes life more enjoyable and fulfilling.
- Humans evolved over many years from animals and still have many emotions and behaviors like animals.
- The human species is in the early stages of its evolution and has a long way to go. This leads to conflicts, wars and power struggles.
- Every waking moment of your life, you have the freedom to choose to love and evolve or t be controlled by your animal nature.
- You can only control your thoughts, your behavior and to some degree your feelings.
- You cannot control other people or the world around you, although you can impact them by your words and behaviors.
- The more you focus your thoughts, intentions and efforts on a few goals, the better you can accomplish them.
- The more you focus on what you can control, the more successful you will be.
- The more you focus on being and loving instead of having and things, the happier you will be.
- You create your own reality by how you perceive it.
- Each realm of knowledge, science or religion has a view of reality that determines what can be perceived and accepted within that realm.
- You have the freedom to move from one realm to another, according to the situation you are in and you intentions.
This Is The Truth
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